Biglaw's One-Stop-Wellness-Shop
Every law firm has its own unique culture, strengths, and challenges. It can feel impossible, especially for overworked firm leadership, to figure out what to ask for in terms of support.
We get it, and we're here to help. With our background in organizational consulting, combined with our lived corporate experience and mental health expertise, we have a menu of options to help you figure out where to start, and create support uniquely tailored to your firm.

Option 1
Holistic Wellbeing Assessment
Perfect for firms who want to enhance wellbeing but don't know where to start. We'll customize our Holistic Biglaw Wellbeing Survey to fit your firm and create a report with concrete action items. We can help you implement them, or you can take them in-house or elsewhere.
Option 2
Wellbeing Consulting
In conversations with firm leadership, we'll help you clarify your values, understand your firm's strengths and areas of enhancement, and create an actionable plan to support your firm's wellbeing, resulting in less attrition, higher productivity, and fewer interpersonal conflicts.

Option 3
Wellness Programming
For those looking to support your firm's wellbeing and help your lawyers meet CLE requirements, we can present on a variety of wellbeing topics from managing stress to substance use, all for CLE credit. Learn more.
Option 4
Psychological Enhancement
From 1:1 meetings with mental health professionals specializing in supporting organizational leaders, to drop-in wellbeing office hours, to holding confidential group conversations, we can offer a variety of flexible on-the-ground options to meet your firm's needs.

Relational Associates
1001 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017
contact [at] relationalassociates.com