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Meredith Siller

I am a feeler, a fighter, and a roommate to a dog who begrudgingly lets me live in his space. I have held teaching and supporting roles throughout my life in multiple industries, harnessing the power of gummy bears to help students learn math and empowering college students and executives to utilize technology.

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My Story

​After earning a BA in Cognitive Science from Johns Hopkins University, I embraced my inner advocate, attending Fordham University School of Law. I spent over half a decade litigating at a law firm, where I discovered my passion for supporting and uplifting individuals in high stress corporate settings and a desire to create a more empathetic and sustainable corporate culture. I received my MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Touro University, and trained at The Relational Center for three years. I provide pro bono legal advice to The Relational Center, and am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

Clinical Experience

  • ​Provided on-site crisis and ongoing counseling at elementary,  middle, and high schools

  • Developed curriculum for and co-facilitated psychoeducational group about trauma and the body 

  • Created and co-facilitated three-month long embodied and experiential unpacking whiteness anti-racism group

  • Completed three years of Relational Gestalt and trauma responsive training at The Relational Center

  • Provides psychoeducational workshops and presentations to organizations

  • Mentors and supports therapists, including in creating a private practice

  • Practices individual, group, and family therapy



Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) # 138858


1001 Wilshire Boulevard #1286
Los Angeles, CA 90017


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